Linscott Law

Help for injured warehouse workers

The warehouse of a factory or retailer, or even the storage space of a major office building, can be a very challenging place to work safely, even when an employer is doing its part to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

Demands on time mean people move quickly in a warehouse, and they often also work closely together using a forklift or other heavy equipment. Additionally, both people and heavy items are in high places, and if either a person or an object falls, it can lead to a head injury or other type of workplace-related injury.

In addition to the possibility of falling objects or taking a tumble from a high shelf, a worker can suffer a head, neck or back injury in other ways. Particularly when going around a blind corner, workers, particularly those on forklifts, can collide. Moreover, some neck and back injuries develop over time and can occur simply when a worker repeatedly lifts heavy items or equipment, especially if the worker does not have a perfect lifting technique.

Any head, neck, or back injury suffered in a warehouse should be taken seriously, as even what seems like a minor issue can in fact disable a worker for weeks or even months. In any event, a Nebraska warehouse worker will need compensation both for his or her medical bills and, if he or she is off work for longer than a week, lost wages.

Fortunately, Nebraska has a worker's compensation system that allows workers to get help with replacement income and medical care after a work-related accident. However, a worker in the Lincoln area may find this system hard to navigate, especially if an employer is trying to cut their losses as much as possible. For these sorts of cases, the experienced workers' compensation professionals at our law office stand ready to help.

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

Linscott Law
5700 Seward Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68507

Phone: 402-477-4357
Fax: 402-477-4366
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