After A Personal Injury, Take Advantage Of A Free Initial Consultation With A Lawyer

Any injury case, whether minor or major, raises questions that demand answers. Searching for information on the internet is commonplace and sometimes helps people find helpful information. However, a Google search or a FindLaw search cannot take the place of a personalized review of the unique facts of your case by an experienced attorney. Linscott Law in Lincoln, Nebraska, offers clients the benefits of Mr. Linscott's 20 years of experience when they seek help recovering compensation after accidental injuries anywhere in Nebraska involving:

  • Workplace accident cases that may or may not include third-party liability claims
  • Car, truck, pedestrian, bicycle and motorcycle accidents
  • Boating and water-skiing accidents
  • Slip-and-fall accidents and other premises liability cases
  • Dog bite accidents

Any case where there is injury on one side and negligence on the other side is a case of interest to an experienced trial lawyer such as Martin V. Linscott. Mr. Linscott can evaluate your personal injury case and recommend the best course of action that is most likely to bring you the benefits you are seeking. He will help you discover all sources of compensation such as your own uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage.

About Dog Attacks

An injury or death resulting from a dog bite or animal attack is particularly traumatic. Dog attacks are most often inflicted on children and the elderly — those who can least defend themselves. These types of injuries can be devastating both physically and psychologically as the injured individual and an entire family struggle to pay medical bills and undergo extensive reconstructive surgery.

Due to a time limit on reporting and filing a claim on a dog bite or animal attack, it is important to speak to an attorney who knows the laws inside and out immediately.

Attorney Martin Linscott has helped numerous people affected by dog attacks to pursue lawsuits and secure fair compensation for serious and sometimes fatal injuries. He is skilled at identifying and prosecuting the liable party in all levels of the state court system.

Contact Linscott Law After An Accidental Injury In Nebraska

If you or your loved one has suffered injuries because of a car accident or an attack by a dog in Lincoln, Lancaster County or anywhere statewide, contact Martin Linscott to learn about your legal rights. Your initial consultation is free.