Linscott Law

Three things truck drivers may do in workers' compensation claims

Truck drivers in Nebraska know how difficult their job can be. To the general public, truck driving seems like an easy job where a person just sits all day long. But, truck drivers know the real toll the job can take on their body. Those who have suffered truck driver injuries and are thinking about filing for workers' compensation should keep three things in mind.

Truck drivers face many injuries when they are on the job. These may include loading and unloading injuries, slips and falls from getting in and out of the cab, falling from a loading dock, raising heavy hoods on the trucks, truck accidents and handling heavy equipment. Any of these, and many other, situations can seriously injure a truck driver. And when truck drivers spend a lot of time sitting, their injuries can get even worse.

Truck drivers who are facing an on-the-job injury should keep three things in mind. First, they should understand their company's procedure for reporting injuries. A truck driver is often away from the company for a great length of time and may not meet with his or her supervisor frequently. It is important that a truck driver quickly contact their supervisor in the event of an injury. Second, a truck driver may be able to return to work with an alternative work assignment. This can happen when a truck driver's injuries are not fully healed but he or she can do lighter duty work such as clerical tasks. Finally, when a truck driver is able to return to their job, they should provide all the necessary paperwork to their employer. This may include doctor notes, work restrictions, etcetera, so that the driver's condition continues to improve and does not get worse. A driver should also give their supervisor updates on their healing process.

A truck driver often suffers on-the-job injuries. These injuries can sometimes make truck drivers pursue workers' compensation. A workers' compensation attorney can help an injured truck driver seek the compensation they need so they can heal and get back to work if possible.

Source:, "3 things drivers need to do in workers' comp claims", Corey Lile, Nov. 2014

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