Linscott Law

Scaffold injuries are often serious

Working on scaffold is a part of most construction workers daily lives. But, for many Nebraska workers, scaffolding has brought them serious injuries. Scaffolding accidents can cause serious construction worker injuries.

A majority of construction workers work on scaffolds frequently, and scaffold injuries are common. The injuries that a construction worker can sustain are often serious. When scaffolding is defective, a worker can suffer from a serious fall. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has safety requirements that must be followed for scaffolding. Scaffolding must be capable of supporting its own weight times four, and each suspension rope must be capable of supporting six times the maximum load. In addition, the scaffolding must be inspected before each work shift. It should also be moved, erected, dismantled or altered only under supervision of a competent person. All fall protection equipment also needs to be inspected.

Scaffolds continue to cause injuries for Nebraska workers each year. A fall injury can cause broken bones, traumatic brain injury and many other serious issues for a construction worker. It can put a worker out of work and without the paycheck that their family depends on each month. A legal professional who assists those with construction worker injuries can help a person pursue the compensation they need. They can determine whether workers' compensation is a possibility and can explore whether there is a third party liable for the injuries. If this is the case, additional compensation can be sought as well.

No one expects they will get injured at work, but construction site workers often receive serious injuries. Scaffolding injuries are common and can lead to serious injuries and even death.

Source: FindLaw, "Scaffold Injuries", accessed Dec. 19, 2017

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Martin V. Linscott, Attorney at Law, P.C.

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